Chords Player is a simple, yet useful, music tool.
It lets you easily create chords sequences and arrange theme to create rhythm tracks for you to train on.
You know the chords, you know the tabs, partitions, you know the rhythm,... what you need now is a tool for you to train on. Whether you're a guitarist, pianist or other, this sequencer will become your friend to train yourself when you're on the road or at home.
Create your intro, verse, chorus, outro... sequences and order them to make your song.
- Online storage and sharing of your creations!
- Tablet UI Optimization
- Different tempo for sequences.
- Your feedback...
Chords Player adalah, alat musik sederhana, namun bermanfaat.
Ini memungkinkan Anda dengan mudah membuat akord urutan dan mengatur tema untuk membuat lagu irama bagi Anda untuk melatih.
Anda tahu akord, Anda tahu tab, partisi, Anda tahu irama, ... apa yang Anda butuhkan sekarang adalah alat bagi Anda untuk melatih. Apakah Anda seorang gitaris, pianis atau lainnya, sequencer ini akan menjadi teman Anda untuk melatih diri sendiri ketika Anda sedang berada di jalan atau di rumah.
Buat Anda intro, ayat, paduan suara, outro ... urutan dan memerintahkan mereka untuk membuat lagu Anda.
- Penyimpanan online dan berbagi kreasi Anda!
- Optimasi Tablet UI
- Tempo yang berbeda-beda untuk urutan.
- Tanggapan Anda ...
Chords Player is a simple, yet useful, music tool.
It lets you easily create chords sequences and arrange theme to create rhythm tracks for you to train on.
You know the chords, you know the tabs, partitions, you know the rhythm,... what you need now is a tool for you to train on. Whether you're a guitarist, pianist or other, this sequencer will become your friend to train yourself when you're on the road or at home.
Create your intro, verse, chorus, outro... sequences and order them to make your song.
- Online storage and sharing of your creations!
- Tablet UI Optimization
- Different tempo for sequences.
- Your feedback...